Genshin Impact – Version 4.2 Phase I Outlined Events

Genshin Impact - Version 4.2 Phase I Outlined Events

Developer HoYoverse has taken to the official site to reveal the banners and gameplay-based events coming to anime action-adventure Genshin Impact in Version 4.2 Phase I. Let’s check out what the new version has to offer, starting with the most important point: banners!

Version 4.2 marks the arrival of two new characters: 5-star Hydro Sword Furina and 4-star Cryo Catalyst Charlotte. The second Cryo Catalyst in the game’s three years is just around the corner, swiftly following in Wriothesley’s footsteps. Baizhu is also in for his first rerun.

  • 5-star characters: Furina (Hydro Sword) & Baizhu (Dendro Catalyst).
  • 4-star characters: Charlotte (Cryo Catalyst), Collei (Dendro Bow), Beidou (Electro Claymore)

The weapon banner will feature the signature weapons of Furina and Baizhu, Splendor of Tranquil Waters and Jadefall’s Splendor respectively. Additionally, the weapon banner will see that the following weapons receive a huge drop-rate boost: Sacrificial Sword (Sword), The Bell (Claymore), Dragon’s Bane (Polearm), Sacrificial Fragments (Catalyst), and The Stringless (Bow).


  • Thelxie’s Fantastic Adventures event (November 23 – December 11). During the event, take part in various gameplay modes to collect Thelxie’s Badges and obtain Crown of Insight, Primogems, and other rewards. Grants a free copy of 4-star Cryo Claymore Freminet.
  • Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water event (November 9 to November 20). Master the Ley Line features and put together the strongest party. Complete challenges and obtain Primogems, Hero’s Wit, and more.
  • Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log event (November 17 – November 27). You and Paimon encounter a strange engineer. She is currently researching the profound subject, and urgently requires the help of Adventurers… This is a photo-taking event.
  • Furina Story Quest – Animula Choragi Chapter. Requires AR40 or above and the completion of Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V “Masquerade of the Guilty”.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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