Genshin Impact – Version 4.5 Phase II Events & Banners Outlined

Genshin Impact - Version 4.5 Phase II Events & Banners Outlined

HoYoverse is back with more Genshin Impact news. Version 4.5 Phase II kicks off on April 2nd, and so it’s time to see everything it has to offer, including characters, weapons, and events!

Fontaine’s Iudex Neuvillette finally got unchained from his work desk and is getting a rerun. Wandering samurai Kaedehara Kazuha is back as well. On the banners, the two are accompanied by featured 4-stars Barbara, Yanfei, and Xingqiu. The weapon banners include the respective signature 5-star weapons Tome of Eternal Flow (Catalyst) and Freedom-Sworn (Sword).

  • When: April 2 – April 23
  • 5-star characters: Neuvillette (Hydro Catalyst) & Kaedehara Kazuha (Anemo Sword)
  • 4-star characters: Yanfei (Pyro Catalyst), Barbara (Hydro Catalyst) & Xingqiu (Hydro Sword);
  • 5-star weapons: Tome of Eternal Flow (Catalyst) and Freedom-Sworn (Sword);
  • 4-star weapons: Wine and Song (Catalyst), Mitternachts Waltz (Bow), The Flute (Sword), Favonius Greatsword (Claymore), and Favonius Lance (Polearm).

Events-wise, the patch is on the dry side. If you haven’t finished vacuuming out Fontaine and Chenyu Vale before Arlecchino is here, now’s your chance to do so.

  • Rolling Crossfire event (April 1 – April 11). During the event, control the turret remotely and defeat as many Slimes as possible. Reach specific scores to obtain Primogems, Hero’s Wit, and other rewards;
  • Feline Fortress Furrdyssey (April 8 – April 18). Pet the cat event! Attain specific requirements to obtain mysterious Serenitea Pot Furnishing and other special rewards.
  • Ley Line Overflow (April 15 to April 22) – Limited double drops from Blossoms of Wealth and Blossoms of Revelation.
  • Chiori’s Story Quest Cisoria Chapter. Introduced in Phase I. Requires AR40 or above and completion of Archon Quest “Masquerade of the Guilty”.
  • Lynette Hangout Event. Introduced in Phase I. Requires AR40 or above and completion of Archon Quest “Masquerade of the Guilty” as well as Furina’s Story Quest.

In other news, Genshin Impact’s Chenyu Vale OST album “Jadeite Redolence” is now available! The album’s two discs “Enthralled by the Spring Breeze” and “Clouds Over Lingmeng” feature 54 spectacular tracks composed by the HOYO-MiX team, each one an original composition for Chenyu Vale and its related storylines in Version 4.4.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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