Guild Wars 2 Leaves No Quarter on 26 May

Guild Wars 2 is about to erupt into Civil War when No Quarter, the latest update to The Icebrood Saga, lands on 26 May.

On 26 May, players will plunge back into The Icebrood Saga as the fate of Tyria once again hangs in the balance. The Charr nation is in tatters as internal forces battle for supremacy while the shadow of Jormag continues to rise over the land. Titled “No Quarter”, the latest update to Guild Wars 2 is set to plunge players into an epic encounter as civil war erupts among the Charr and old allies become bitter enemies.

A Foolish Plan

Driven by the actions of Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer, much of the Charr nation now fight their way towards Jormag with a foolhardy plan to control the Elder Dragon. With conflict arising on all fronts, this chaos spills into brand new areas of Tyria, opening up the Drizzlewood Coast. Tucked into the forests of the Woodland Cascades, this new area location takes significant inspiration from the current World vs World game mode. Commanders stepping into the Drizzlewood Coast will find themselves in a huge map-wide battle featuring fortress sieges and capture points spread across one giant map sized meta event. It is up to you to help ensure that Bangar’s forces do not make it past this coast and on towards their imminent destruction.

Following a similar pattern as recent Living World updates, this new chapter introduces a new mastery for players to utilize. The United Legions Waystation mastery grants gamers special action skills that will empower them in pushing back the fortress sieges that tear through Drizzlewood Cast. In addition to this, a new Strike Mission called “Cold War” arrives with the update, as well as another tier to existing Essence Manipulation mastery tracks.

It’s about Fashion Wars for some of us and No Quarter hopes to fill that gap with two new weapon sets, two extra stand-alone weapons, new Charr themed backpacks and special Charr helms. A new emote and armour set are also due to arrive too. A brand new story instance, of course, drops for this hit MMORPG. There’s plenty for Commanders to look forward to when No Quarter arrives on 26 may so check out the Guild Wars 2 trailer above and prepare to man the battlements. For all the details on this free update, check out the Guild Wars 2 home page now.


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