Hayfever Is Pollen No Punches in 2020

Hayfever is dreadful, except when its s cute retro game. Zordix Publishing has just announced they are bringing this 2D platformer to PC and Console next spring.

Due out in Q1 2020, Hayfever is the work of Sweedish game developer Pixadome and blends a fun front face with some challenging retro inspired gameplay. Put in the sinuses of a pollen plagued protagonist, players must use pollen induced sneezes to traverse the dangers of a rather unusual looking postal route.

He Who Sneezed Last

After losing all of Thomas’s letters, this postal worker must navigate a range of challenges, collecting the discarded envelopes back up. In cahoots with his friend Charlie, a car, Thomas travels the four season. As the seasons change so does the pollen. Each Season brings a different variant of the nasty stuff and so the challenges change. Each term has its own specific mechanic to learn. If this doesn’t keep things interesting enough, this charming little postmaster comes sporting a pixel art style and a cute chiptune soundtrack.

The game is tuned to allow all ages to play and promises no rage inducing modes. Despite this, you’ll find over 140 levels to keep you entertained, hidden unlocks, and a range of speedrun challenges. Thomas might be easy going but there should be something for everyone to get into when Hayfever takes hold across Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC next year. You can catch a glimpse of this title in the trailer above or head over to the official Hayfever website for more information now.

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