Hearthstone Battlegrounds – Are You Ready for Season 4?

Hearthstone Battlegrounds - Are You Ready for Season 4

The Festival of Legends is about to rock’n’roll in Hearthstone Battlegrounds with Season 4. Starting on May 9, Buddies are taking a break and E.T.C.’s World Tour is coming to Battlegrounds. The new hero Rock Master Voone is headlining, with 58 musical minions in his entourage, along with a truckload of Festival-themed cosmetics.

  • New Hero – Rock Master Voone. This troll is not here to joke around. Voone is the frontliner to the show, and he’s ready to rock! Every third turn, his passive Hero Power gives you a plain copy of the left-most card in your hand.
  • New Minions. “Upbeat” minions are minions that have special effects that trigger every few turns that they’re in play. The longer you have them in play, the more times their effects trigger.
  • E.T.C’s World Tour Merch Alert – Amp up your Battlegrounds experience with new cosmetics! Showcase your favorite hero’s preferred musical genre, get your photo taken with a new paparazzo bartender, and set up a brand-new Festival board. Cosmetics will be available in the Battlegrounds Battle Pass Bundle and in the Battlegrounds shop.

Keyword Updates – Poisonous, Venomous, and Windfury.

Poisonous is being removed from Bob’s Tavern to be replaced with a new Battlegrounds keyword: Venomous! During each round of combat, the first minion that is damaged by a Venomous minion is instantly destroyed. You can think of Venomous like Poisonous, but it only triggers once (like Reborn and Divine Shield).

Additionally, from now on when a Windfury minion is tripled, it will still have normal Windfury. Windfury was the only Keyword that resulted in a “double-buff” when the minion is tripled, and removing that interaction will make the game more consistent. No Mega-Windfury buffs anymore.

Check out the announcement on the official site of Hearthstone Battlegrounds to learn more.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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