Kate Bishop Arrives in Marvel’s Avengers

Square Enix has announced that Kate Bishop is now available in Marvel’s Avengers as a playable hero. Her story arc, Taking Aim, sees her off to find her mentor, Clint Barton. Along the way, she discovers AIM’s nefarious experiment and vows to stop it. According to the development team, Kate’s and Clint’s stories are intertwined and are pieces of a larger puzzle. Clint Barton will become a playable hero in early 2021 as part of Hawkeye — Future Imperfect.

For those who don’t know Kate Bishop, she first appeared in “Young Avengers (2005) #1” before starring in her own series “Hawkeye (2016) #1”. A clever and snarky archer, Kate would eventually take on the Hawkeye mantle and be trained by Clint Barton. She would later star alongside Clint in the “My Life as a Weapon” series by Matt Fraction and David Aja, which we were inspired by our version of Kate.

Kate is a master archer with her own unique style despite being taught by Hawkeye. Each has similarities but also unique and stylistic differences. She can shoot multiple arrow types that can be swapped at will depending on the situation. She has access to Razor Arrows, Scatter Shot Arrows, Explosive Arrows, and Smokescreen Arrows. She can also use a sword when the fighting gets up close and personal. Kate can also teleport around the battlefield using Intrinsic Energy and can spawn a Decoy as her Support Heroic. Her Assault Heroic is Warp Arrow that allows her to teleport over long distances and spawning quantum explosions that blow enemies into the air. Lastly, Quantum Overdrive is her Ultimate Heroic.

Check out the new trailer and then head to the Marvel’s Avengers official site to learn more.

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