marvels avengers

Marvel's Avengers Final Patch

Final Patch for Marvel’s Avengers Unlocks Nearly Everything in the Marketplace

Crystal Dynamics has announced the release of the final patch for Marvel’s Avengers ahead of its closure in September 2023. With the launch of this update, players will gain access to “nea...

Marvel's Avengers Winter Soldier

The Winter Soldier Arrives in Marvel’s Avengers

Crystal Dynamics and Marvel Entertainment have announced the deployment of the massive 2.7 update that brings the Winter Soldier into Marvel’s Avengers. In addition, players will find the new fo...

Avengers - Updated Roadmap for July

Marvel’s Avengers – Updated Roadmap for July

The developers Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montréal have taken to the official site of Square Enix to provide the updated July roadmap for Marvel’s Avengers. A few things have been moved around i...

Marvel's Avengers

Kate Bishop Arrives in Marvel’s Avengers

Square Enix has announced that Kate Bishop is now available in Marvel’s Avengers as a playable hero. Her story arc, Taking Aim, sees her off to find her mentor, Clint Barton. Along the way, she ...

Square Enix Reports Heavy Losses Around Marvel’s Avengers

After one game industry analyst combed through the latest financial report from Square Enix, it appears that the company took a heavy financial blow delivered at the hands of Marvel’s Avengers. ...

Marvel’s Avengers Review for PS4

We all knew at one point that an Avengers game was in the works. Following the amazing Avengers movies, the team over at Crystal Dynamics had no easy task to try and match that level of hype. Marvel&#...

7 Good

Get Ready for Marvel’s Avengers and More in This Week’s Xbox Games

This week is shaping up to be a huge one for Xbox One players. A number of big releases are coming that are sure to please just about any type of gamer. Look for Marvel’s Avengers, Tony HawkR...

Here’s What We Know About Marvel’s Avengers Premium Currency

With Marvel’s Avengers now available in Australia, has posted pricing information for the game’s premium currency called Credits. This premium currency is used to purchase cos...

Marvel’s Avengers – Launch Trailer

Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, Square Enix, and Marvel Entertainment have released the launch trailer for the upcoming co-op action Marvel’s Avengers. The game is coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One ...

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