MultiVersus Season 1 Begins With Black Adam and Stripe

multiversus season 1 key art starring black adam and stripe

MultiVersus, the Smash Bros styled 2D beat ‘em up from WB, has kicked off Season 1 by adding in DC’s Black Adam and Gremlin Leader Stripe.

Free to play fighter MultiVersus is finally done with testing and seems ready for a real fight. WB Games has kicked off Season 1 of this new cartoon brawler with news of four new playable characters and a brand-new Battle Pass for the inaugural season. The first round of fighting has begun and should give plenty of time for player to grab a ton of the good stuff.

The new Battle Pass for MultiVersus provides a free and paid for way to earn rewards throughout the first season. Like any of these systems the free track allows players to fight their way to stickers, emotes, XP rewards, and more menial rewards to enhance the all-round experience. The hugely popular Rick & Morty kick off the free additions, and will be available on 23 August, while anybody making it all the way to the end of the free track can expect to unlock LeBron’s exclusive, I’m Freakin’ Robin character variant. So, I’d get grinding now. The most exclusive loot comes with the paid reward track. Cashing in 950 Gleamium unlocks a bunch of variant character models, emotes, and more.

There’s also two additional characters taking to the fray during Season 1. Black Adam, an antithesis to Superman and a being of incredible power in the DC universe, as well as Gremlin leader Stipe will arrive during this ongoing brawl. DC’s Black. Adam is likely to play on his thunderous abilities and physical strength, while Stripe will only bring chaos. Unfortunately, WB hasn’t given a date or a breakdown of their abilities so we will have to see. Hopefully these two won’t need their hitboxes reworked after recent commentary. It’s not all Battle pass sales that WB are looking for during this season. Two new modes are included. Both Classic Arcade & Ranked are now available to play through, although the recent blog post spends far more time talking about money spinning opportunities than the way Ranked will work.

If you are looking to pick up Rick & Morty, try out a new Taz variant, or become the best antihero then check out the official MultiVersus blog post for more on Season 1.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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