No Man’s Sky Orbital Update Lets You Customize Your Starship

Ready for a new cosmic adventure, steering your very own customized starship? Orbital, the latest update to No Man’s Sky, makes it a possibility. It brings a complete overhaul to Space Stations, now featuring vast interior and exterior spaces, with improved reflection and metallic surfaces.

Hugely varied on the outside, Stations have also been completely transformed inside, featuring new shops, gameplay and activities. But the most important bit is that Stations now contain one of the most requested features of all time. A ship editor allows players to customize their ships and players can even create never before seen starship types.

“We haven’t introduced ship customisation previously, because so many players love exploring to find the perfect ship already out there to purchase. In keeping with exploration, to customise their ship, Travellers gather and trade parts for their ships as they explore, salvaging the best components from wrecks and ruins.”

Orbital also introduces a new Guild system, making joining Guilds and increasing rep a much larger part of the game. The developers describe this new addition as a huge update with several major features that have been on players’ wishlists for a long time.

Check out the official patch notes to see everything the update has to offer.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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