Overwatch 2 – The Winter Wonderland Festivities Have Arrived

Overwatch 2 - The Winter Wonderlands Festivities Have Arrived

Blizzard Entertainment shared a new blog post for Overwatch 2 to prepare players for the Winter Wonderland activities. From now until January 4, join in special arcade game modes like Freeze Thaw elimination, Yeti Hunter, Snowball Deathmatch, and Mei’s Snowball Offensive, complete challenges and earn unique weapon charms, icons, sprays and more. You can also feast your eyes on the Ice Queen Epic Brigitte skin!

For those who want even more virtual presents, Blizzard announced a new round of Twitch drops. Starting December 25 through January 4, tune into drops-enabled channels under the Overwatch 2 category and earn merry and bright D.Va cosmetics. Watch for 2 hours to earn the Festive D.Va Victory Pose and watch an additional 4 hours to earn the Sleighing D.Va Legendary Skin!

“As we kick off the fun, the team would like to share a little something from us to you. Log into Overwatch 2 from December 20 to January 4 to receive the Festive Wreath weapon charm and the 2023 player icon.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out on the shop for rotating holiday bundles and specials! Winter Wonderland is a heart-warming celebration, and we can’t wait to share all the seasonal cosmetics and game modes with you.”

Are you excited for the Winder Wonderland festivities?

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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