Party Hard 2 Crashing Onto Consoles

Party Hard 2, the glitzy game about crashing parties is coming to Consoles.

The music is on, the kitchen is clean, and the toilets no longer have that weird stink about them, just in time for Tinybuild to come headfirst into your front room again as Party Hard launches on Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. Now available across consoles, party hard invites players to take on your neighbours and their atrocious taste in music, with deadly consequences.

After the outrageous stealth takedowns of the very first party hard, Tinybuild has now unleashed a port of the second Party Hard. Players taking on the bright lights of next door’s dancefloor will find themselves out to dispatch all the attendees at a range of events. You’ll stealthily choose from hundreds of ways to deal with noisy partygoers. Bludgeon, shock, grind and takedown anybody out to ruin your sleep with a variety of weapons and nefarious traps.

You won’t need to simply take what you’re given here either. A unique crafting system allows gamers to build their own Molotov experiments or setup chains of interacting substances for an explosive finish. Eviscerating your way across 14 levels, you’ll even encounter a story of vengeance and redemption. Yes, with a twist and a fugitive circus bear. Yes, it all looks as ludicrous as it sounds and thankfully there is a trailer to give you an idea what to expect.

Anybody out for some late-night takedowns can grab Party Hard 2 on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch right now, or go ahead and check out the trailer above to get an idea of quite what to expect.

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