Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Takes a Look at the New Archetypes

Developer Owlcat Games took to the official Steam page of cRPG Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous to share the first look at new archetypes coming in The Lord of Nothing DLC. Once the new expansion comes out, players will be able to enjoy 15 new Archetypes for a variety of classes. So much that Owlcats had to split the overview into two parts.

“The team carefully selected and thought over the archetypes to fit the DLC’s atmosphere: cold and gloomy. We’ve changed some slightly compared to the Pathfinder tabletop version, others have undergone global changes, and some we’ve developed ourselves. We hope you’ll like them and that every player will find an archetype that suits their style and gameplay.”

Here are some of the new additions coming in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Lord of Nothing DLC
  • Shaman: Prophet of Pestilence. This is a shaman who has bound their soul to Apollyon, one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the semi-divine entities that rule in Abaddon. Their area of influence is plague, decay, and rot, and they lavish their gifts upon their follower.
  • Paladin: Tortured Crusader. The Tortured Crusader is able to endure every hardship and setback without buckling under the onslaught.
  • Cleric: Separatist. The Separatist is a cleric of an unorthodox faith; other believers likely consider them heretics. This archetype’s main ability is to take a domain that your deity does not have in exchange for weakening the abilities of that domain.
  • Druid: Winter Child. Winter Child is an archetype based on the concept of “the leader of a pack of hungry predators with an affinity for blizzards.”
  • Cavalier: Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider possesses the fastest, most unstoppable mount: a phantom horse! The use of phantom animals allows them to ignore the complexities of rough terrain, and the spiritual bond between rider and phantom strengthens both.
  • Wizard: Shadowcaster. Shadowcasters wield the powers of the Shadow Plane, control the shadows, and summon powerful shadow creatures.
  • Witch: Hag of Gyronna. This witch gains their powers by making an alliance with a night hag. Not only are they able to do evil deeds for the glory of their patroness, they can even summon her as an ally and full witch companion at high levels.
  • Shifter: Weretouched. Unlike traditional lycanthropes, who are forcibly turned into a beast, the Weretouched chooses whether they will embrace their animal nature and if they will use it for good or evil. Tune in to your inner beast and put your claws to work!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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