Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Shared Beta Survey Results

Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Shared Beta Survey Results

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, the upcoming turn-based cRPG from Owlcat Games, is warping towards full release. But before it’s the time to don your fancy hat, the team shared some interesting statistics and results from the beta survey. You can check it out on Steam or glance at some of the most interesting points down below.

“A total of 5000+ players have taken the survey, and they rated Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader 4.3 out of 5!”

The lengthy survey in question went over a variety of gameplay and narrative topics, including reactivity and Convictions, tutorials, glossary, difficulty curve, UI and much more. While many of the elements were not available in their entirety in the beta, such as Convictions interactions and tutorials, the developers still took note of the feedback.

For example, the team has turned their attention to certain UI elements that were not as well received as others. Namely, leveling UI, Cargo/Loot UI as well as targeting UI and ability formulas. The team has not been sitting idle and the article has examples of where things are currently as work progresses on them. Other system to receive notable changes is the Reputation and Profit Factor. There will be a new set of tutorials as well as clearer and more self-explanatory UI.

Ground combat received great feedback from the beta cycle, but the developers are still determined to polish it to perfection. Some things to be looked at include frequency of encounters in some zones and certain battles that tend to drag on too much or don’t feel original enough.

Space combat also made great progress but there is still a lot to do. There will be new tutorials, proper officer post management, bug fixes and more. Other Space-related elements such as exploration, Colony management and global map will receive updates as well.

In terms of narrative, Argenta holds strong as the most favorite companion. Jae and Idira, sadly, bring up the rear. The devs, however, have a plan how to make them more interesting.

Once again, we thank you kindly for participating in the survey and helping us to shape this game so it can become even more fun, entertaining, and lore-accurate. It is an honor to have such an engaged and passionate community!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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