Prehistoric Kingdom – Early Access Launch Teaser

Prehistoric Kingdom - Early Access Launch Teaser

Developer Blue Meridian and publisher Crytivo have shared a new trailer for zoo manager for extinct animals Prehistoric Kingdom. In it, the team revealed the start of Early Access phase which kicks off on April 27.

In Prehistoric Kingdom, design and decorate beautiful habitats using an array of powerful creative tools. Grow jungles, carve rivers and raise mountains across the enormous playable area to create the perfect park for your specimens. Take up the role of park manager by developing the infrastructure to care for guests, animals and staff alike. Ensure resources and safety is kept in-order to delay the inevitable!

Majestic Woolly Mammoth, mighty Tyrannosaurus rex – the limit is your imagination. Find new creatures and genetic skins by discovering genetic material from all over the world, unleashing unseen levels of customization and choice.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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