Rune Factory 5 Is Now Available on PC

Rune Factory 5 Is Now Available on PC

Marvelous Inc. and XSEED Games have brought the latest Rune Factory game to PC. Rune Factory 5 delivers a full 3D adventure that has players exploring treacherous dungeons and battling dangerous foes to unravel a mystery threatening their adopted home of Rigbarth.

In between each day’s adventure, they’ll grow crops, participate in local festivals, and build friendships with a lovable cast of townsfolk. Rune Factory 5 includes features new to the series such as link attacks, co-op cooking, and same-sex marriage.

After losing their memory, the hero lands in a small town blessed by nature. There, they are recruited into a band of peacekeeping rangers, and their new life begins. Protect the frontier town by rounding up rowdy monsters with your official SEED-issued spell seal. When not on a mission, work with the people of Rigbarth to help the town flourish through farming, festivals, and friendships!

As the balance of peace begins to shift, however, it comes time to prove yourself. Team up with townsfolk and embark on a grand adventure to unravel the mystery befalling the land, embracing your inner-power to halt the descent into chaos.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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