SportRX – New Prescription Glasses Could be Yours Tax Free!

Just before Christmas while everyone is racing around buying gifts for loved ones or peers stop for a second and ask yourself how your eyes are doing and when was the last time you got your prescription updated? Are you rounding out 2019 with everything in order to have your best 2020?

This year the folks at SportRx took the time no one else did to let us know all about a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) here in America and the possibility that you may have unused funds waiting to be used that could get you a free or deducted pair of prescription glasses!

What is an FSA?

A Flexible Spending Account (also known as a flexible spending arrangement) is a special account you put money into that you use to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs. You don’t pay taxes on this money. This means you’ll save an amount equal to the taxes you would have paid on the money you set aside.

Employers may make contributions to your FSA, but aren’t required to.

Who is SportRx?

SportRx is a San Diego-based company that was built by active opticians in 1996. On a mission to help people see better while doing the things they love for over two decades SportRx specialize in custom prescription sunglasses for home, school, work, the office or for athletes in virtually every sport including esport!

Having mastered the art of prescription wrap around lenses SportRx create the best prescription glasses, prescription sports sunglasses and Rx goggles tailored specifically to your vision needs.

Supporting all of this is an easy to use website loaded to the brim with choices! SportRx really take the difficulty out of online shopping so you can get back in game asap – so what better way to use your FSA?!

You can use the expiring FSA money to buy new gear & lifestyle sunglasses (as long as it’s in your prescription!) If you want to go even further and are curious about their entire range, you can check out all the glasses available at SportRX here:

SportRx Affiliate Program

To really wrap up the holidays SportsRx are also inviting you to take a look at their Affiliate Program

  • 30-day Cookie + 8% Commission
  • AvantLink Network

So what are you waiting for?! Give yourself the best looking gift this holiday and take care of your eyes!


  1. Thanks for letting us know, didn’t realize.

  2. I really like these glasses. I plan to go snowboarding for the first time next year and had no idea prescription snow goggles were a thing. Seems like a really good idea and I will have to get some. Love the styles too.

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