Star Trek: Resurgence Boldly Claims a Release Date

Star Trek: Resurgence Boldly Claims a Release Date

Dramatic Labs has announced that Star Trek: Resurgence has boldly claimed a release date. Players can take off “where no man has gone before” starting May 23, 2023. The narrative adventure game will be available on several platforms, including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Epic Games Store.

Resurgence was originally to have been released in Spring 2022. However, developers felt they needed more time and pushed the release date to April 2023. Even that date slipped slightly to the now-announced release of May 23rd.

Developers wrote, “Lastly, you might want to know why we’ve been so quiet along the way. We’ve primarily been putting our efforts into getting across the finish line. Trailers, dev diaries, and social media take time away from actually working on the game. We also didn’t want to announce a new release without knowing when we would deliver the game to you. We did preview the game for press at various points along the way and got some great media coverage, and we had a blast playing through a scene with the audience at our Comic-Con panel in San Diego.”

Resurgence is an interactive narrative game set shortly after Star Trek: The Next Generation’s timeline. A worker uprising threatens the peace between two alien civilizations, and Starfleet is forced to intervene. Players experience the conflict and larger mystery from two essential perspectives. The U.S.S. RESOLUTE’s First Officer Jara Rydek is part of the diplomatic envoy led by Ambassador Spock tasked with finding a resolution and uncovering the source of this tense situation.

Engineering Crewperson Carter Diaz highlights how the mission plays out from the lower decks, caught up in the events in his unique way. Throughout the story, players can interact with the Star Trek universe like never before, with moments of authentic action and critical decisions that shape the broader narrative in subtle and unexpected ways.

Learn a bit more about the game by visiting the Star Trek: Resurgence official site.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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