Stay On The Cutting Edge With New Free DLC For The Surge


Those of us who can never have enough stuff, rejoice, for developer Deck13 Interactive has released new DLC for The Surge, and it’s free!

The Cutting Edge Pack brings 6 new enemies to defeat and adds 3 new armor sets to collect:

  • The ANGEL was originally designed for operation in the harsh vacuum of space, some of the most inhospitable conditions known to man, and bestows faster attack speeds, better energy gain, and harder impacts on CODENAME weapons.
  • The ASCLEPIUS was meant to assist army veterans in gaining a new lease on life, but its regenerative powers will work well enough for you too.
  • The NANO WARD gear uses bleeding edge technology to give your blocks some serious explosive power – if you can time them right.

There are also 3 weapons to literally hack away from your new foes:

  • The Experiment 44H, known as the Dark Star, never saw full production due to the madness of its creator, leading to him to sabotage the whole project before more than one prototype could be made. Its unique containment field will wreak havoc on enemies.
  • The Engelhart is a boost tool that uses state-of-the-art technology to become searing hot anytime, anywhere. As potentially dangerous to the wielder as their enemies, it requires skill and practice to use effectively.
  • The BioN J-1, codenamed Last Aid, is quite literally a surgical tool, originally designed for use in medical hospitals. After an unfortunate incident with a rogue doctor, it became known as a tool of carnage.

The Cutting Edge Pack for The Surge is available for free download now on Play Station 4Xbox One, and Steam. To ensure those who haven’t yet started their career with CREO aren’t left out in the cold, The Surge: Complete Edition, containing the base game and all current DLC, can be picked up at a steep discount for PC, PS4, and XB1.

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