TGA 2020: Season is a Bike Trip for the Ages

During this week’s The Game Awards 2020, Scavengers Studio unveiled its next game called Seasons. The game centers on a young woman out to explore the world via bicycle before a cataclysmic event shatters the world. The game will be available for PlayStation and PC via Steam.

This new title is a quest to discover a new world; one unknown yet familiar. You will be immersed in different cultures as they live their last moments. Document, photograph, and record life as you find it, while you still can. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let yourself be carried away on the extraordinary journey of Season.

As the writer and creative director, Kevin Sullivan said he’s excited to present the long-gestating project. “We’re dizzily excited to share this world with the world of the real world. Just as the character in the game makes a cultural collection, the game itself has been that for us. It has absorbed our worries about the state of the planet, our joy at living on it, things we’ve seen, people we’ve loved and lost, all tied together into something, hopefully, beautiful and strange.” said Kevin Sullivan.

There is no information about the release date, though fans can both sign up for email notifications about game updates and it can be “wishlisted” on Steam and the PlayStation Store.

Check out the Season official site to learn more.

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