What’s Going On with eSports: Some Fresh News You MUST Know

What’s Going On with eSports: 5 Fresh News You MUST Know

During the summer-spring seasons, eSports have a surge of activity. And it’s the time when tons of news pour out. Frankly speaking, missing some crucial ones is very easy. But we won’t let that happen. Here is the recap of fresh eSports world news.

OWL Faces Inconsistent Viewership

In 2022, the final Overwatch League Stage showed impressive viewer numbers: over 397,000 on Twitch and other streaming platforms. While the total watch time of the event has been 9.9 million hours +.

Such great results are probably because of the Overwatch 2 hype. The game just got out. And before, it has built crazy anticipation. So viewers were very excited to check out an upcoming OWL (the largest Overwatch event of the year). Plus, remember that those were the finals.

An upcoming Midseason Madness (a middle OWL stage) can barely attract attention. There might be a few reasons for that. The first is its competitors. The skill level of Midseason Madness players is not even close to the ones performing at Playoffs. So the games might not be so exciting.

Another supposed reason is in-game drops. Blizzard gives away skins, graffiti, voice lines, etc., to the most active viewers. Of course, items dropping during Midsummer Madness are not as good as ones for the Playoffs. So loot-seeking viewers have less drive to watch the event.

However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t watch the tournament. Moreover, lacking popularity can be your chance to pull off some profitable stakes. Cause to attract viewers, bookies will probably introduce juice promotions and increased odds.

Use betting bro to find such eSports bookmakers. It will present you with the best OWL betting sites uncovering their features in brief guides. So it would take zero time and effort to choose a proper one.

Magic Pro Tour Series Become a Top eSports Event

Magic eSports

In 2023, the eSports world is brimming with fresh news about big and hyped titles: Dota 2, CS:GO, LoL, Valorant, etc. But what do you know about Magic: The Gathering? Interestingly, this not-so-popular game is starting to get into the media field due to its “renaissance.”

The talk here is about a Magic Pro Tour: Arena Championship 3. It is a regular MTG event conducted every 4 months. It features the best 32 players competing for the $200 000 prize pool. Qualifying for the event is quite liberal. Anyone who has reached a high in-game rank can apply. And then, he has to win qualification rounds.

The signs of Magic Pro Tour’s growth are its number of viewers. The average amount has increased by 28% (8 200). While the peak number is 26% (10 800). That’s if we compare it with the first Magic Pro Tour.

Interesting fact: Magic Pro Tour also has a LAN event for American players. And their popularity indicators are much more positive. Hence their prize pools are above $500 000. While the number of viewers is 3-4 more times.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is Expanding to Brazil and America

Mobile Legends eSports

Now onto fresh news about mobile eSports gaming. Even though this niche is not the most popular, it has all the chance to become it. In fact, it has already started to sprawl onto the new major regions.

The case is around the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Frankly speaking, this is one of the top eSports games in the Southeast region. And now it has ambitions to become that in Brazil and Latin America.

At first, Mobile Legends was quite shy towards Brazilian players. For the ML:BB World Championship, there were just several exclusive invitations for Brazilians. However, in 2021, ML:BB created a unique Brazilian League. Since then, it has worked as a platform to choose the best teams for the World Championship.

A similar case was with Latin America. However, it happened a year later, in 2022. Now it also has a unique league that sends players to the top ML:BB world event.

Such a tendency tells one thing: ML:BB devs see potential in those regions. Or they just want to introduce them to their game. However, the numbers attest that they were right.

They indicate that the game is twice more popular in Latin America. The Spanish LIGA ATAM 2022 stream was watched by 6 000 spectators on average. While the peaking number soared to 18 800. Speaking about ML:BB Latam Super League Season 1 (another popular event), the average viewership was 2 000 – 3 000, while the peak was 15 100.

Now to the MPL Brazil. Its average viewer number ranges from 2 600 to 3 000. While peaking from 10 000 to 12 000. Also, the MPL Brazil Season 3 has gathered 22 400 ML:BB fans.

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