Witchfire Trailer Swaps that Staff For A Mighty Big Shotgun

A new Witchfire trailer dropped last night and what better time to conjure up some fire, from the end of a shotgun.

The Astronauts just released a new sneak peek behind at an upcoming first-person shooter powered by dark magic and humongous guns. While Witchfire is due to drop into early access later this year, the first proper look at this dark fantasy shooter’s gunplay is full of wicked spells and big explosions. Set in a world where a deadly war rages between powerful witches and the Church, players get to navigate this grimdark fantasy as a witch hunter. In this alternate reality, witches aren’t a tool for the establishment to subjugate women, they’re a powerful threat to the world.

This might be a bit of an old trope, but Witchfire does have some very big guns. The new trailer shows off a powerful firearm uniquely suited to sharp shooters, called Hunger. Hunger is a hand-cannon that feeds on critical hits, getting stronger with successful shots. For each critical hit, players are granted powerful bullets that deal additional damage on their next reload. When preyers reach the second level of attunement with Hunger, they are able to magnify the power of successive critical hits: the more critical hits a player scores before a reload, the deadlier the next bullet will be. Hunger’s third and final level of attunement unleashes unholy gunfire capable of incapacitating and obliterating enemies with freezing magic.

In between this particularly flashy attack, you’ll also get a look at a range of shotguns, small arms, and the bloody carnage that crawls across the screen. If you like a bit of demonic action but can’t quite slay to the beat of Metal Hellsinger then Witchfire will arrive in Early Access soon. Find out more on the Epic Games Store now.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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