Year of the Dragon Will Light Hearthstone Up

It is time- Hearthstone team has published a new blog post welcoming the Year of the Dragon to the game and bidding goodbye to the Raven. The team has also released a special video outlining the new features, cards, updates and the events planned for the player base.

As we move from the Year of the Raven to the Year of the Dragon, overall we want to be more flexible when it comes to making changes to the game that we think will lead to a better experience. After Rastakhan’s Rumble debuted, we released balance updates twice in two months, hopefully making for better and more interesting games for all of you. We want to keep doing this as and when needed. We will also do our best to communicate with you ahead of our upcoming changes and give you a heads up that they’re coming whenever possible.

This year, nine cards are moving to the Hall of Fame: Naturalize, Doomguard, Divine Favor, Baku the Mooneater, Genn Greymane, Gloom Stag, Black Cat, Glitter Moth, and Murkspark Eel.

Single-Player Experience

The single-player experience in the Year of the Dragon is going to be something bigger, deeper and much more ambitious than what we got to see in Hearthstone so far.  There will be more customization, including the ability to unlock multiple starting decks and Hero Powers per class, and a non-combat tavern encounter where you’ll have the opportunity to fine-tune your deck.

The first Solo Adventure will launch about a month after the first expansion of the year, featuring a mysterious (yet familiar) Mage character.

The Arena Experience

We’re always looking for ways to enhance all of our game modes, including modes like the Arena. In the Year of the Dragon, we’ll be updating the Arena draft pool by rotating out sets and adding new ones twice every expansion to keep things fresh. With the first rotation, the Arena draft pool will contain the following sets: Basic, Classic, Curse of Naxxramas, Whispers of the Old Gods, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, The Witchwood, and the first expansion of this year.

… And More

  •  Rerolling Legendary Quests
  • Random card back option
  • Smarter deck builder
  • More ways towards your Golden Hero

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