8-Bit Pale Ale Celebrates Good Old Days

Real gamers don't do energy drinks

Do you remember when games were small and computers were big? The 8-bit Pale Ale celebrates those amazing, simpler times in all of its bubbly glory.

Place aside your energy drinks, and get a can of a true oldschool gamer’s beverage! For sharper case of nostalgy we recommend digging out your old Nintendo or Sega and engaging in a game session, complete with fitting refreshment. Oh, and don’t forget pizza. Pizza makes everything better.

8-Bit Pale Ale pays homage to the classic, yet complex video game systems that weren’t perfect but still sparked our imaginations. Notes of fruit and pine resin dominate the aroma with bright hops and vibrant tropical fruit flavors shining through in this medium-bodied American pale ale.

Source: TheFederalist.com


  1. This is too freakin’ cool… I must find some.

  2. Yeah, I just hope it doesn’t taste like it’s from the 80s too…

    • As long as belly shirts and a mullet aren’t required I’m good to go

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