Albion Online – Strange Happenings Are Afoot Right Before Anniversary

Albion Online - Strange Happenings Are Afoot Right Before Anniversary

MMO Albion Online is preparing to celebrate its fifth anniversary on July 17th. But, as the cities of Albion are preparing for the event, something strange is happening across the Royal Continent.

The great statues of past season winners have vanished. While initially believed to be a local event, similar things have happened all across the great cities of Albion.

Coming at a time when the Royal Cities were beginning to set up their anniversary decorations, this has interrupted all preparations. City elders are holding meetings to discuss the disappearance of the statues, and search parties have been sent out to try and ascertain their possible whereabouts. Ultimately, though, everyone here has been left scratching their heads at what has just happened.

One passerby commented:

“I wanted to take my kid to Conquerors’ Hall today to show them the statues. We got there and there’s just a load of empty plinths! I don’t know if this is for regular statue maintenance or what, but they could have given us a bit of information at least. My kid’s crying now, thanks a lot.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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