Apex Legends Devs Continue to Battle Cheaters

Apex Legends Devs Continue to Battle Cheaters

Cheating and unfair players is a plague of any competitive multiplayer game, and battle royale Apex Legends is no exception. The devs from Respawn Entertainment have been on hand in a Reddit thread where they let the players know how they plan to address this problem:

  • Using machine learning to create behavior models that detect and auto-ban cheaters.
  • Requiring TFA in certain regions on high-risk accounts.
  • Improving detection that identifies and bans new spam accounts before they are used.
  • Ongoing work to adapt to new cheats.
  • Matchmaking that matches detected cheaters and spammers together.
  • Investigating how people party up for matches. Even if you are not specifically using a cheat, partying up with cheaters is still cheating.
  • Increasing resources whether that be people or tech.

“As we’ve said before, the war against cheaters will be ongoing and remains a high priority for us. There will always be work to do, improvements to make, and new things to adapt to. We’d like to thank the players that have been getting involved with helping us squash cheaters over the last week whether it be submitting reports or assisting with the vetting process for suspicious behavior.”

The Reddit update thread also touches on the Dev Tracker, Twitch Prime Loot and a patch coming next week.

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