Boss Key Co-Founder Flies the Coop & Returns to Epic

Arjan Brussee, co-founder of Boss Key Studios along with Cliff Bleszinski, has left the company and moved over to Epic Games. The Twitter post he left indicates he’s returning to Epic after 20 years and will be working on an unnamed project.

Prior to his work at BK, Brussee had worked at EA Visceral and Guerrilla Games.

It appears that the split is an amicable one, as Bleszinski sent out this supportive tweet when making the announcement of Brussee’s departure:

Brussee leaves open the COO position at Boss Key and no word is yet available about who will be stepping into the job to oversee management, strategy, planning, production, finance and legal matters.


The departure comes not long after the launch of Lawbreakers, the studio’s first game but one that has struggled hard to find an audience. The company has been working on a number of initiatives to encourage growth in population, but as yet, it remains to be seen how long term these solutions will be. Gamespot cites that one possible strategy is to launch the game on both XBox One and Nintendo Switch, though no official announcements have been made.

About Lawbreakers:

Nine roles. But no matter which you choose, watch your six, nine, twelve… you get the picture. From combat healing and run-and-gun to high-skill melee play-styles and more – whichever style suits your skill, just move fast, shoot often, and don’t get lit.

Gravity’s not going to hold you back anymore. But it’s not going to hold back your competition either. From the boiling oceans of Santa Monica, to a former ski-resort refashioned as a research & development lab, don’t get caught watching the scenery or a plasma burst will slap you upside the head.

LawBreakers raises the bar for competitive shooters. Actually, that bar was floating in zero-g, like 30 feet in the air already, so that’s even more impressive. With highly-competitive, buzzer-beating rules that elevate familiar game-types, LawBreakers’ modes so new, the patents might still be pending.

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