Diablo Immortal Introduced Season 24 Battle Pass & Limited-Time Events

Diablo Immortal Introduced Season 24 Battle Pass & Limited-Time Events

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has taken to the official site of Diablo Immortal to reveal what’s next for the game. The latest content update introduces the Season 24 Battle Pass, teases our next major update, and brings various feature changes.

Season 24 Battle Pass: Regent of Webs embodies the webs spun by arachnids, complete with deceptions and lethal traps. This Battle Pass starts on March 14, 3 a.m. server time and ends on April 11, 3 a.m. server time. New Rank rewards are available in the Empowered Battle Pass including a Familiar Contract at Rank 1, and rotating Cosmetics can be obtained from the Battle Archive Shop for owners of the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass.

Diablo Immortal – Feature Updates:

  • Helliquary Death Screen Changes – new screen will notify you that all raid members have been defeated and the only option is to exit the mode.
  • Character Customization Reset Reduced to One Day. Character customization reset changed from a week to a single day to promote freedom for cosmetic versatility.
  • Battlefield Class Matching Balance Changes. Adjusted team matchmaking to ensure classes are more evenly distributed between the two styles of ranged and melee.
  • Gem Splitting. This new feature allows you to take a normal gem and break it down into multiple gems of the same type that are of lower-rank.
  • Improved Search Functionality for Clans and Warbands – You’ll now be shown recommended Clans and Warbands based on improved metrics, including current member progression, the type of content players from that clan typically engage with, and mutual friends in common.
  • Familiar Inventory Changes – If your capacity for Familiars in your inventory is full, they will now be sent via in-game mail.

New and returning events are making their way into Sanctuary:

  • Infernal Hunger (March 20 – March 31). Adventurers over Level 30 will get a preview of the next major update to arrive in Sanctuary in the Infernal Hunger limited-time event. During the event, you will also receive a 100% boost to experience gained from Battle Pass levels.
  • Fractured Plane (March 8 – March 15). The Fractured Plane is a limited-time event where players enter an unexplored realm of their existence. A floored gauntlet awaits!
  • Conqueror (March 8 – March 15). An ancient fighting pit where the Fahiran aristocracy held brutal games has been uncovered in Shassar. Take part in this limited-time PvP event to bring honor to your name and riches to your collection.
  • Survivor’s Bane (March 22 – March 29). In Survivor’s Bane, you’ll begin each run without your character’s items and a random Skill from their Class.
  • Alley of Blood (March 22 – March 29). Imbue your adventurer with Specialist Skills for a tactical advantage, and guard and bolster your Champion’s Marks to claim the day.
  • Hungering Moon (March 9 – March 16). Players can complete up to three tasks a day while the event is active.
  • Shady Stock (March 16 – March 23). Yakin has once again come into possession of some liberated merchandise, likely plucked from a far-away excavation.
  • All Clans on Deck (March 23 – March 30). The armies of the Burning Hells are mustering their forces, most assuredly for nefarious intent. You must rally your banner, adventurer—call upon your Clan for aid to beat back the tide of darkness!
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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