Diablo Immortal – Blizzard Welcomes Players to Terror’s Tide

Diablo Immortal - Blizzard Welcomes Players to Terror's Tide

Developer Blizzard Entertainment shared a new blog post for Diablo Immortal to introduce the game’s second Major Update titled Terror’s Tide. This update is packed with changes to the existing content and systems as well as new additions such as the Stormpoint Zone, Voidwound Helliquary and more.

Note that due to the incoming holidays Blizzard will not release a Content Update in two weeks as they traditionally have. The next Content Update will be arriving in January 2023.

Three additional Hell Difficulties have been added to the game. To help all adventurers prepare for the Stormpoint zone, the developers have also made adjustments to the experience in Server Paragon Levels:

  • All servers below a Server Paragon Level of 320 will be set to a Server Paragon Level of 320.
  • The maximum Experience rewards for being below Server Paragon Level has been increased from 400% to 800%.
  • The chance to receive Legendary and Set items as a drop has been increased by 250% for players far below the Server Paragon Level—as a player gets closer to Server Paragon Level, these increased drop rates will decrease.

Stormpoint, the first post-launch zone added to Diablo Immotal, is a prison island that will see players investigating a sinister plot to use the power of a Worldstone shard. To set out on this adventure, you have to reach Hell Difficulty III, complete the Starsign quest and be at least level 60. This zone contains a main story Questline, 20 new monsters straight out of Hell’s depths, new bosses and minibosses, and a horde of crabs.

The new Voidwound Helliquary becomes unlocked by completing the quest The Chainbreakers, which is available at player level 60. This expansion to the Helliquary brings with it some exciting changes:

  • Helliquary Raids may now be soloed across all difficulties.
  • The difficulty of each Helliquary boss will significantly increase with each Hell Difficulty. To triumph over evil, we recommend recruiting allies to your cause.
  • To unlock new Hell difficulties in Diablo Immortal, you must defeat corresponding Helliquary bosses.
  • Players may now party up across Hell Difficulties I–IV. Dungeon difficulty will scale to each party member’s respective Hell difficulty, as will any experience gains and loot drops.

Check out the Diablo Immortal dev video dedicated to the Terror’s Tide update below to learn more!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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