Dreadnought: Conquest Mode Engaged


Conquest is just that, a new Unique, objective-based game mode in Dreadnought that allows captains to think about their environment differently. Depending on the size of your ship, captains will spread influence throughout the entire map in an attempt to claim that territory as their own. This move helps you to gain team score and this helps immensely as you go for the game-winning 2,500 points needed to win. Each team with spawn at the opposite side of the map from one another, this spawn will be considered their Home Base, and there will be control points that will start to gain you points every 10 seconds based on the percentage of the map you control.

In this game mode two control points, named A and B, are at two opposite ends of the map and are in neutral positions. As ships enter the control point radius it will begin capturing the point for your team. Once the point is captured you will see the points start rolling in. The smaller your ship the faster you will capture the control point, for example, a Corvette will capture the point faster than a Dreadnought. Enemy captains can, of course, interrupt this progress by entering the capture radius. This stops all movement forward until one side or the other is moved out of the radius or destroyed. Captured control points become your team’s territory.

Every ship, except Corvettes, have a range of Influence that they can push out all over the map to try and claim territory. This range of Influence is determined by how big or little the ship is.  The Influence is calculated from a top-down perspective and enemy ships who have similar Influence will negate a portion of each other’s claims. The minimap in Conquest Mode offers details about the evolving state of the match. The territories captured by each team are updated instantly so that you know where each area is. Numbers above the multi-coloured bars will display how much control each team ultimately has over the other areas.

Linking in this mode will be the most important part of Conquest Mode. It allows for contribution to be maximized for each team’s claimed territory. Links are formed by, ship to ship, ship to control point, and ship to the home spawn point. Control points do not link to other control points. When two allies move together their influence will spread even further due to linking.

Check out our review to learn more about the game.

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