EA donating big bucks to plant 500k trees

The Team Trees initiative has a lofty goal to raise funds to plant twenty million trees before 2020 hits. Every dollar donated buys one tree that will be planted somewhere in the world starting in 2020. So far, the initiative has raised over $16.5M with almost another month to go.

Yesterday, EA announced that it would be donating $500,000 to the cause in the name of Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville. “Zombies planting trees!? It’s a Feastivus miracle!” the official site reads. “In the spirit of giving back to our community and because we really love plants, Plants vs Zombies will be donating $500k this holiday to support the Team Trees initiative. This money will be used to plant 500k trees!”

Anyone can donate to the cause by visiting the site listed above. While you’re there, you may want to check out the FAQ that provides answers to all of your burning questions including How the initiative began, where the funds raised “actually go toward”, and much, much more.

About Team Trees

#TeamTrees started in May 2019 when the internet challenged MrBeast to plant 20 million trees to celebrate hitting the 20M subscriber milestone on YouTube. At his audience’s suggestion, MrBeast teamed up with fellow YouTuber Mark Rober, and for 5 months they developed the campaign and organized their influencer friends and colleagues in order to have a fighting chance at achieving their insane goal: 20 million trees by 2020. #TeamTrees launched publicly on October 25th, announcing itself with a wave of #TeamTrees videos, and the rest is up to you. Whether you’ve donated to plant one tree, or one million trees, or have simply helped to spread the word, welcome to #TeamTrees!

1 Comment

  1. So good to see more contributions and news for #teamtrees!

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