Amazon Games is pulling out all the stops with fun and frivolity to celebrate Lost Ark’s second birthday. All players will receive a gigantic package of goodies and be able to celebrate in-game via multiple special events. Devs will also be running Twitch streams through March 7th with some big prizes for those who stop by for a peek. Lastly, anyone ready to purchase an Amazon gift card will find a pretty sweet-looking themed card for their favorite MMO player.
Anniversary Events
Amazon will be running multiple special events to celebrate the momentous occasion. Players can participate in the Arkesia Festival where new co-op quests pop up every two weeks. Those who play through these quests will earn tokens to be traded for a pair of new skins.
The Birthday Bash Event will take players on a nostalgic trip through the game world. They’ll get to re-experience some “iconic pieces of Lost Ark content” released over the last year.
The Twinkle Twinkle Shop is back, where players can exchange Gold for rewards, including honing materials, legendary engravings, card packs, and more.
Lastly, enhanced daily log-in rewards are now live, as well as special Fever Time events and many other ways to celebrate the game’s second anniversary.
Gifts and Goodies
Every player will receive an anniversary gift that includes:
- 2nd Anniversary Headband Selection Chest
- Winter Trail Effect Selection Chest
- Structure: 2nd Anniversary Cake
- Winter MokoCahni Skin Selection Chest
- Chaos Dungeon Rest Bonus Recovery Brew
- Pheon x50
- Legendary Engraving Recipe Selection Chest
- Regulus’s Light Currency Chest x20
- Special Legendary Card Selection Pack
- Book of Judgment Chest
- Wishful Amulet x5
- Melelik’s Tome x5
During Twitch streams, players can earn Amethyst Shards, a Second Anniversary Cotton Gift, a Second Anniversary Mokoko Hat Selection Chest, and more.
Grab all the details on all the fun and frivolity by visiting the Lost Ark official site.