Genshin Impact – Check Out Lyney & Lynette Collected Miscellany

Genshin Impact - Check Out Lyney & Lynette Collected Miscellany

Genshin Impact received the latest version 4.0 that added a variety of new content to the game. Chief among them is the new region, Fontaine, and a couple of new characters – magician siblings Lyney and Lynette. To introduce players to these two, the team rolled out a couple of Collected Miscellany trailers. Check them out below to see what magic tricks they have in store.

Lyney is a 5-star Pyro Bow damage dealer. When Charge Level 2 Aimed Shot hits, a Grin-Malkin Hat will appear and taunt nearby opponents. Upon destruction, the Hat will damage an opponent with a Pyrotechnic Strike. If Lyney’s HP is high, a Charge Level 2 Aimed Shot will consume some of his HP for a Prop Surplus Attack.

Lyney’s Elemental Skill consumes all stacks of his Prop Surplus attacks to deal Pyro AoE damage. The number of consumed stacks will increase damage dealt and regenerate Lyney’s HP. If a Grin-Malkin Hat is present on the battlefield when the Skill is used, it will explode and deal AoE Pyro damage.

Using his Elemental Burst turns Lyney into a Grin-Malking Cat and deals Pyro damage to enemies in his path. When the duration ends, Lyney will summon a Grin-Malkin Hat and gain a Prop Surplus stack.

Meanwhile, his sister Lynette is a 4-star Anemo Sword DPS character with agile mobility.

Lynette’s Elemental Skill allows her to execute an Enigma Thrust, dealing Anemo damage. When the skill is held, Lynette will enter a high-speed Pilfering Shadow state and unleash her Enigma Thrust when this state ends.

By using her Elemental Burst, Lynette will summon a Bogglecat Box that can taunt and attack nearby opponents. When the Bogglecat Box comes into contact with certain elements, an Elemental Absorption will occur. It will then fire Vivid Shots that deal damage from the corresponding element at intervals.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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