Genshin Impact Teases Arlecchino Animated Short

Update: the full version of the animated short is available now, check it out here.

The official Youtube channel of Genshin Impact had been updated with a brief teaser for the upcoming Arlecchino animated short. Titled “The Song Burning in the Embers”, it will be arriving in full tomorrow, April 17 at 12:00 (UTC+8).

Who is the mysterious little girl shown with the younger version of Arlecchino? Is she the same person from the V4.6 splash art? The popular theories revolve around her being Princess Marcotte or, perhaps, being related to the previous Knave aka the Director. All we can do is wait and see!

Let’s recount what we know about Arlecchino! Known as The Knave, she is the Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers. Additionally, she is the “Father” to the children of the House of the Hearth. While her involvement has largely been behind the scenes, Arlecchino nevertheless played an important role in the Fontaine Archon Quest.

Arlecchino in Genshin Impact Version 4.6

Her debut arrives with Genshin Impact Version 4.6 on April 24, both as a playable character and as a weekly boss. She is a Pyro Polearm damage dealer that plays through the new Bond of Life mechanic. You could have previously encountered it when fighting against the Fatui Operatives, it consumes a certain amount of healing before it can affect your characters’ health.

When Arlecchino’s Bond of Life is equal to or greater than a certain percentage of her health, she will take on the offensive state, granting her Normal Attacks greater strength and non-overridable Pyro Damage by consuming the Bond of Life. Maintaining Bond of Life is done through imposing and collecting Blood-Debt Directives on The Knave’s enemies. Meanwhile, her Elemental Burst is the only way Arlecchino can heal during battle.

As a weekly boss, Arlecchino uses the same mechanics against the players. More of her story will be revealed during the Story Quest “Ignis Purgatorius”. Last but not least, she also took part in the Sumeru and Fontaine animated teasers. You can find both here.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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