Halo Nerf Guns Are Aiming At Stores

halo nerf guns

Halo Nerf Guns are coming to store shelves and toymaker Hasbro has revealed the new arsenal of foam firepower.

Halo fans are getting some extra firepower in the battle with the covenant. Toy manufacturer Hasbro has unveiled line up of Halo-themed Nerf blasters. The foam firing weapons are about to add three very cool designs to the gamers’ toy chests. The range=, that is due to arrive across major retailers in the US on October 1st, is made up of three blasters and takes inspiration from across the galaxy.

UNSC Firepower

members of the UNCSC forces don’t have to worry, the largest weapons are still in human hands. Taking inspiration from the iconic weapon of the same name, the Halo MA40 Blaster, is a motorized baster and features a clip that holds 10 darts. The rifle takes four batteries to allow for continuous deployment of squishy assault power and comes in at $50.

Coming in at slightly less is the SPNKR. Based on the double-barrel weapon of the same name, it allows troops to dispatch two darts at the same time but won’t come in at quite the same size as the original. Instead, this is part of the manufacturer’s Microshots series.

Probably most exciting is the final addition to this range, the Needler. If you’ve played Halo then this doesn’t need any introduction. The alien weapon, which is also part of the Mircoshots lineup, comes in at $10 and looks just as you’d expect without the explosive finish that the original adds.

These aren’t the only toy weapons to launch off the back of a video game. Fortnite already has a similar war chest but with Halo: Infinite almost upon us this year, this one seems pretty timely. You can find out more about the series over on the official Hasbro website and check out everything we know about halo: Infinite here at Gamesapce.


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