Mayan Goddess Ix Chel Joins the SMITE Pantheon

Ix Chel Joins SMITE

Hi-Rez Studios has introduced the world to the latest goddess to join the SMITE pantheon. Ix Chel is the first Mayan deity to come into the game in over six years. Called “the light weaver,” she anchors the Season of Hope with her “prismatic magic” that has reshaped the world — and the Conquest Map.

Ix Chel weaves prismatic colors together to attack and support her allies. Her design has been created to showcase traditional Mayan ornaments and symbols. Her hat, for instance, channels Kukulkan.

As the Maya Goddess of the Moon, she can use her Lunar Invocation ability to knock up her enemies. It is said that with her spindle, she guides the motion of the universe, weaving together the formative elements of existence so that creation rises from destruction – and vice versa. Her ultimate Great End—named after her own sobriquet—channels an energy beam that can either heal or hinder, while her Rainbow Crash ability damages foes but speeds up allies.

In addition to the new goddess, players can also check out the new G.I. Joe Crossover Event that allows them to unlock six epic skins.

These skins include:

  • Duke and Cobra Commander skins for Hou Yi
  • Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow skins for Susano
  • Scarlett and Baroness skins for Neith

Check out the full update notes by visiting the SMITE official site.


Unleash each deity’s unique strategies, legendary weapons, and earth-shattering powers. Rain lightning down upon your foes as Zeus, assassinate from the shadows as Loki, or transform and trick your foes as the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. Which God will you choose?

Unlike other MOBAs, SMITE puts you directly onto the battlefield with a third-person action viewpoint. From blind-side ambushes to aimed shots, a new pantheon of strategic possibilities awaits.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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