Microsoft Is Shutting Down Mixer

Mixer, Microsoft’s online game streaming outlet is being closed down and shunting partners over to Facebook Gaming.

Microsoft has dropped something of a bombshell for fans, partners, and employees connected to its online streaming service Mixer. Launched back in 2016 as Beam, the online game streaming service allows games to share their online adventures with other gamers across the world, much like Twitch. Now, in a statement on the Mixer blog, Microsoft has confirmed that the live streaming service will cease operation as of 22 July. Within that period, Partners, many of whom make a living from the content they post online, are expected to be redirected over towards Facebook’s online Gaming platform.

The full detail of the Mixer statement can be found here but states that:

“ It became clear that the time needed to grow our own live streaming community to scale was out of measure with the vision and experiences that Microsoft and Xbox want to deliver for gamers now, so we’ve decided to close the operations side of Mixer and help the community transition to a new platform. “

For fans of the streaming app, this largely means moving wholesale to a new site where Facebook will continue to host your favorite streamers. For Partners, this is a might more uncertain. Mixer has confirmed that “Mixer Partners will be granted partner status with Facebook Gaming, and the platform will honor and match all existing Partner agreements as closely as possible.” Whether this also includes all the big budget signings of stars like Ninja, who skipped form twitch to Mixer for a multi million dollar deal, we have yet to see.

More concerning is the curveball this throws to Mixer staff. Employees of the streaming service have been expressing their surprise across social media and while we are not going to link their detail, suffice to say it is somewhat concerning. We don’t have further details as yet regarding the outcomes for those whose jobs are impacted by this decision in a time when employment is increasingly difficult to find. Between the ongoing allegations of Twitch’s inadequate responses to harassment, a downturn in the economy, and an increase in video game participation, Mixer is shutting down, leaving many of its employees and content creators in a very uncertain position. As soon as we get more details on this, we will update further. For now, whoever is holding Mixer’s beer can we have it?

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