Neverwinter – Jewel of the North Announced

Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have announced the next major content update for Neverwinter. Jewel of the North will bring players a number of new features and locations to explore but, perhaps more interestingly, the iconic D&D Bard class will be making its way into the MMORPG. In addition to the much-anticipated Bard class, a number of quality of life improvements and a new streamlined leveling system will be making their way into the game. Jewel of the North will be launching for PC players on July 27th. Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players will have to wait a bit longer as the content module will not launch for them until Fall 2021.

“Players who choose the Bard class will become daring heroes who possess the ability to weave magic into their swords, use music to inspire allies, manipulate minds, and even heal wounds.” In addition, there are two unique Paragon Paths from which to choose. The Songblade is an in-your-face brawler with swashbuckling action and close-ranged damage at his or her disposal. The Minstrel is a ranged caster and a master magician.

Other features coming in Jewel of the North include:

  • streamlined leveling system
  • a level “squish” with the max level changing from 80 to 20 to allow players to reach epic-level content much faster. Current max level characters will not lose stats and item power levels, just see a different number representing the level cap
  • existing players will receive a new gear pack claimed through the Rewards Claim Agent
  • early game performance improvements
  • revamped in-game tutorials
  • the new Adventures system

Check out the Neverwinter official site to learn more about Jewel of the North.

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