New World Season 5 Is Comin on 12th March

New World Season 5

The end of an epic tale is coming to Amazon’s New World Season 5 on 12th march.

Aeternum is going to see some epic events soon. Amazon has just announced that Season of the Guardian will land in new world on 12th march. In a month’s time, the latest major update to this quest into the ever after will see the mainline story quest reworked, additional trials, new events, and plenty of powerful loot for your inventory.

Detailed in a developer update that appeared last night, this upcoming free addition comes packed with a ton of in game activity and plenty of quality-of-life enhancements. The most obvious content update is the new Seasonal Trial. The Winter Rune Forge is a brutal encounter that pits up to 10 max-level players in a bone-chilling gauntlet of increasingly difficult enemies. The waves of opponents are interspersed with Rune puzzles, powerful Constructs, and an Ancient Ice Guardian. For your valiant efforts, the Trial will reward players with some outstanding looking loot.


Alongside this challenge, you’ll also find A new Season pass, which adds in a new Season Journey, new Activity Card, new Challenges, and new rewards including cosmetics and consumables. Themed events are due to drop during the Season of the guardian, including Rabbit’s Revenge and the Springtide Bloom. New players who haven’t experienced these before can find out more about the events and experience the Main Story Quest fully revitalized thanks to community feedback.

Other Enhancements

Outside of the game content, explorers can soon kick back on the couch thanks to incoming controller support. There’s going to be two pre-set layouts, and this will include aim assist. There are also trailered trade skill changes, upgrades to the combat animation system, and mounts in the Outpost Rush PvP arena, and a bunch of new Artifacts to upgrade characters with. The best way to dive into the specifics of everything coming up in New World Season 5 is to head over to the official blog post before wrapping up and taking on Aeternum on PC.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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