Nintendo will pay YOU to find Switch security holes

Time to brush up on my hacking skeelz...

According to a report by, Nintendo is offering up to $20,000 for folks with the l33t hacking skills needed to find any Switch security holes. I’ve found it’s personally insecure of its weight and kickstand, but that’s just me…

From the article:

The first reporter of “qualifying vulnerability information” will receive a sum between $100 and $20,000. Nintendo has never disclosed how the value of each reward is calculated, but, as Perfectly Nintendo noted, it has now added a new clause to the policy, stating that it “reserves the right to choose whether or not it will address any reported vulnerabilities.”

However, while the 3DS family of devices and the Switch are covered by the agreement, no mention has been made of the Wii U. According to Nintendo, it is “is not seeking vulnerability information regarding other Nintendo platforms, network service, or server-related information.”

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