Phobies Update Puts Tactical Card Challenges Under Pressure!

Phobies, the spooky animated card battler, just launched a huge new update, Under Pressure!

Monsters, spooks, and scary skeletons are all the rage in Smoking Gun Interactive’s Phobies. This creepy cartoon card adventure just got even scarier with the news that players can take on the latest update to this title, called Under Pressure! Available today across PC, iOS and Android device the latest addition slots in 10 fearsome new Phobies to collect. These new companions are also set to add a 6 never-before-seen abilities, contorting combat into a range of gruesome new outcomes. Names like Furnaceface and Cupcake pretty much speak for themselves. Lila lays Disease-causing traps, and Bogart has something of an explosive temper too. Each of these are going to change the way you play, but that’s not the only transformation coming to this title.

The Under pressure! update also brings plenty of changes to the world of Phobies. Maps will soon feature a set of poisonous and disease-ridden map tiles. Additional limited time events are also coming. These will likely add new ways to rack up Event Points and earn massive rewards! Of course, that means a new Event Pass, which we’ve come to expect from free to play mobile titles. Thankfully it’s as optional as always, so you can just jump in and play.

If Phobies isn’t on your radar, then there’s no need to wait before playing. Like other mobile tactical battlers, this one is a free to play series of carton adventures where you battle other Phobians in the realm of the subconscious. Weird and just outright strange cards provid3e a range of tactical choices as you summon your worst fears and use their abilities to seize control of perilous environments. Check out more tin the trailer above or head over to the official Steam Store page for more on this horror story.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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