Skul: The Hero Slayer Announces A Free Expansion

Skul: The Hero Slayer is about to peer into The Dark Mirror when this  unexpected adventurer gets a free expansion.

Neowiz has announced that Skul: The Hero Slayer is going on a brand new adventure. The team behind this calcium rich underdog has confirmed that a brand new expansion will arrive on PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and Xbox PC Game Pass first. Console versions of this crusade against good will get the new update at a later date.

Titled “The Dark Mirror”, this add-on to the 2021 release will get an entirely new adventure to head out into. After stepping thought the eponymous mirror, Skul will race through a range of new levels, take on new enemies, and avoiding choppy things. Oh, did we mention there’s a wizard too. With plenty of the familiar roguish elements providing tons of ways to play, players will be able to jump right in and pick a bone with whomever left that shiny death trap lying around. The expansion will also bundle in a new iteration of Hard Mode, complete with an all-new story and map. Players might also notice some changes to the reward system and many of Skul’s items. Developer Southpaw Games has also run a balance pass and a ton of bug fixes too, so things will look and feel slicker.

For anybody who didn’t pick up Skul’s inaugural adventure, Skul: The Hero Slayer is on sale for a huge 50% off. This lasts util 26 January in the Neowiz Steam sale. If you want to try out a charming pixel art action platformer, where you play an evil minion hitting well above their station then check out more about Skul on the official website and prepare for the upcoming expansion.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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