The Different Types of Bingo Games Explained

The Different Types of Bingo Games Explained

Bingo is a game of chance. Players are given an individual board with a selection of numbers laid out in a grid format. Numbers are then drawn at random by a caller using a special machine containing numbered balls. Players can mark off the number on their board once the corresponding ball has been pulled from the draw. The game aims to be the first player to mark off the numbers. This article will examine the different types of bingo games and how much fun each can be.

How to play bingo

Bingo has been a popular game throughout Europe and in the United States of America for centuries. Traditionally it was played in person at community spaces. Initially, these spaces were temporary, such as seasonal traveling fairgrounds and carnivals, but before long, bingo events were held in permanent structures like village halls.

The game was so beloved in Britain that a host of purpose-built bingo halls were introduced following the 1960 Betting and Gaming Act. This embedded the game into local culture, especially in East End London.

The rise of the internet during the 1990s caused a revolution across all industries and made gaming digital. Today, you can choose to play online through a bingo app on your mobile phone or in the physical venues that still host bingo to this day.

Popular bingo games

Bingo 90

Also known as 90-ball bingo, bingo 90 is the version of the game most commonly played in the UK. Each board has three horizontal lines and nine columns, with the numbers from 1-90 laid out in a random pattern. Players aim to be the first to complete one, two, or the full grid.

The Different Types of Bingo Games Explained - 1

Bingo 75

75-ball bingo is a new variation of the game that is rising in popularity. It is unique in the world of bingo because instead of aiming to complete lines, you are trying to make a pattern. As the pattern changes with each round, no game of bingo 75 is the same.

Bingo 80

Bingo 80 is similar to 90-ball bingo, but instead of having all the numbers on your board, you only have 16. The winning player is the first to complete one line or the full house on their board.

Bingo 50

Bingo 50 is almost identical to the above but with fewer balls. Each board randomly selects 10 numbers, laid out in two rows of five. Prizes are given to the first to achieve one line or all ten.

Unique bingo games

As with any popular activity, a variety of spin-off versions of bingo are available to play as well. Unique bingo games include Slingo, a blend of bingo and slots, and a bingo roulette, where a wheel is used to draw the numbers instead of the traditional ball machine.

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