The Game Awards 2023 Shared the Hype Trailer

It’s that time of the year again! The Game Awards shared the hype trailer, showed off the nominees across a variety of genres and categories. The video is just under 3 minutes long – do you recognize them all or are there projects leaving you stumped? Let us know in the comments below.

You are still not too late to cast your voice on the official site and help decide the winners across all of the categories.

The Game Awards streams live on Thursday, December 7, 2023 from the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. It is the premier show that celebrates video games with with awards, world premieres, musical performances and more.

Fore more information on how the nominees are selected and split into categories, visit the official FAQ. If you favorite game is not this year’s release or launched after the cut-off of November 17th, don’t be quick to despair:

“The Game Awards recognizes that many games are ongoing services that evolve over time with new content, features, and improvements. Games released in previous years are eligible in all award categories, so long as the jury feels their inclusion is merited due to new content, improvements or service updates. In addition, the “Best Ongoing Game” category specifically recognizes titles that continue to provide value to customers.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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