Baldur’s Gate 3 Got The First Major Patch

Baldur's Gate 3 Got The First Major Patch

Developer Larian Studios rolled out the first major patch for the turn-based cRPG Baldur’s Gate 3. According to the patch notes shared on Steam, the update addresses over 1000 bugs, balancing issues, flow problems and much more.

In fact, the text of the patch notes is so long that it didn’t fit into Steam proper. Consider going to the official site to find the entire text but be careful: there are a lot of spoilers so proceed at your own risk!

“You won’t be waiting long for Patch 2, which is right around the corner. This update will feature significant performance improvements – but we’ll go into more detail about that closer to its release.”

Here are some of the fixes included in Baldur’s Gate 3 – Patch 1:

  • Fixed a bug where listening in on a conversation as Player 1 and then exiting the dialogue prematurely could result in not being able to interact with anything anymore.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Reaction UI to not work correctly and potentially block progress in combat if you save the game in the middle of a reaction.
  • Fixed loot in corpses sometimes not appearing in multiplayer until an item is dragged onto the corpse.
  • Fixed a bug causing you to get a Game Over screen after helping Downed party members.
  • Fixed the Helm of Arcane Acuity crashing the game. The condition is now capped to 7 stacks.
  • Attacking an NPC during a dialogue after being Downed will now get you arrested rather than giving you a Game Over screen.
  • Fixed an issue where characters could get stuck in an infinite falling loop.
  • Fixed an issue with Marcus being resurrected by players hitting him with a dual-wield attack – the second hit will no longer revive him.
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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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