The Walking Dead: Betrayal Offers “Action, Cooperation, and Deception” for PC Fans

The Walking Dead: Betrayal Offers Action, Cooperation, and Deception for PC Fans

Skybound Entertainment and Ocean Interactive have announced The Walking Dead: Betrayal for PC. According to developers, the third-person game offers up to eight zombie fans a chance for “action, cooperation, and deception.” On release, players can purchase a copy of the game for a reasonable $19.99.

Developers are keen to show off what the game is all about. To do so, they have released a trailer that offers a peek inside game features, locations, and more.

Players interested in checking out the game before release can do so during a series of closed beta tests beginning August 10th. Fans can join the official Discord channel to keep abreast of game updates and possibly score a chance to play during closed beta testing opportunities.

Out of resources, with a horde of walkers on their heels, players must work together to complete objectives and escape in The Walking Dead: Betrayal. They’ll need to work fast, as walkers aren’t the only threat they will have to face in rural Canada. While these survivors struggle to escape, incognito ‘traitors’ lurk among them, plotting to do everything in their power to delay repairs, and prevent anyone from leaving. As evidence of their sabotage becomes apparent, paranoia and accusations threaten to tear the survivors apart as they desperately work towards escaping.

Features include

  • Teamwork: Survivors have no chance of escaping unless they work together.
  • Communication: Communication is key if the survivors have any hope of escaping.
  • Crafting and Cooking: Venture out from the Safe Zone to scavenge resources to complete objectives, craft weapons and cook food to manage your hunger.
  • Betrayal and Deception: The traitors are outnumbered and weak when the game begins, so they need to blend in and earn the trust of other survivors while they build up their strength. But as the game progresses, traitors have so many creative possibilities to sabotage the team.
  • Seek Revenge as a Walker: Unfortunately, you didn’t survive, but death doesn’t need to be the end! Teleport quickly between walkers to take control, lure groups of walkers near survivors, and try to bite the hand that killed you.
  • Customization: Add some flair to your character with cosmetics that can be bought with our in-game currency earned after each match!

Check out the Steam page for The Walking Dead: Betrayal for more details.

Written by
Suzie is an avid gamer and has been since 1995. She lives in the desert with her own personal minion while dreaming of pixel worlds beyond Earth.

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