Wayfinder Global Closed Beta Squashed Almost 200 Bugs

wayfinder beta - Senja character conjures an ice spear

Wayfinder developer Airship Syndicate revealed the full extent of a recent global test, and it looks like you all squashed a lot of bosses in the process.

A new blog post appeared in the Wayfinder website last night, with a bunch of fallout from the Global Close Beta. After running across May 2022, it seems that the team behind this upcoming battle against the Gloom have plenty to do. The team confirmed that they’ve already expunged almost 2000 bugs from the game since we all visited the world. In terms of raw numbers, it looks like the testing phase was also well attended. The retrospective post counted:

  • 183,691 Hunts completed with Bosses slain
  • 13,600,000 Enemies killed (with 852,000 Baby Spiders being squashed)
  • 415,000 Expeditions into Lost Zones completed

Testing is more than bugs, in the Gloom or otherwise. Feedback means there are some major modifications coming ahead of the title’s Early Access launch. These include combat and movement to make interacting with enemies and getting up close feels more engaging and responsive. There’s also new long term aims. This mainly revolves around long term progression and giving players constant movement on their main avatar. Wayfinder allows players to switch between resurrected heroes when in game world but now:

we’re folding in some of our planned systems for character progression and implementing them on an account level.

There are tons more improvements coming too. Social systems are getting a revamp, rewards are being tweaked, and the Echoes system will make more sense when the game opens up to all. While this doesn’t mean that you need to know exactly what’s going on yet, it does give us hope that Wayfinder is going in the right direction. Our own impressions have been positive when delving into this massive co-op RPG that plunges players into a battle for survival in a stunning mix of instances dungeons and open world events. With a massively stylized world, some cool Sci-fi fantasy, and Digital Extremes doing the publishing, we’ve got high hopes. Check out the full run down and find out more about Wayfinder over on the official blog.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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