WoW Dragonflight – Crafting Preview + Hunter Pets Blue Post

WoW Dragonflight Preview An Eye on Professions + Hunter Pets Blue Post

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has shared a new preview dedicated to the upcoming expansion World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. This time the developers have their eyes on professions that will see a revamp, introducing new Crafting Orders, Profession Specializations, Crafting & Gathering with quality.

Crafting orders are a new way for you to place an order for almost any Dragon Isles crafting recipe using an Auction House-like interface. When placing an order, there are three options that you can set for who can fulfill it: available to anyone, guild-members only, or a specific individual. Tradeable reagents can be provided by you or the crafter while certain special reagents may only be provided by one or the other.

In particular, Soulbound reagents will often need to be provided by you when placing an order for a Soulbound item. Crafters can then view these orders, fill in any missing reagents, craft the item, and collect the commission (minus a small cut for the Artisan’s Consortium of course!). The finished item will then be delivered in the mail. For dedicated crafters, it can be a great new way to earn some gold, increase the skill and help out other players.

Check out the official site to learn more about the quality in Crafting & Gathering.

Meanwhile, Game Designer Nimox dropped by a WoW Community Council topic created by prolific Hunter poster Watermist. The thread is dedicated to the Hunter class, in particular everything to do with Hunter pets: Pet Specializations, Pet Pathing, Personalization of Pets and more. Other users have added to the topic with their own experiences both in PvP and PvE content.

In the message, Nimox acknowledges the provided feedback and offers the development team’s insight into the matter, including Dismiss Pet cast time, Pet Pathing and more. Follow the link above to find the full post:

“We’re always looking to improve pathing for both players and pets and make things smarter and more user friendly. That’s an ongoing process for the game as a whole. We discuss problems with pets on encounters where you get teleported or forcibly moved around a lot. We also play classes with pets and understand some of the frustrations. It is not a simple solution, as players move in very complicated ways, and use a lot of tools to move themselves around, and we don’t want pets to just feel like they are floaty or teleport around all the time.

We realize pets are an important piece of your identity as a Hunter, Warlock, and Death Knight (and Mages too?). There are ongoing efforts to improve pets, add new pets, and make cool things for pets and pet classes.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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