WRC 10 Team Talks About the Importance of Sound

Nacon and KT Racing have unleashed the latest WRC 10 developer diary that discusses the importance of sound in the game and how the team captured the perfect sounds to bring an air of realism to players. Nothing says you’re out on the race track like the sound of roaring engines, the squeal of tires, and the cheering of fans. This video diary goes into great detail to showcase how it was done.

Essential for total immersion, the team paid particular attention to the rendering of engine sounds, recording real racing models, and integrating them into the game. A complex and precise process, the recordings allow capturing sounds from different sources and perspectives, in order to retransmit the sound effects as close as possible to the players’ behaviors and actions. Once recorded, the different sources are processed, mixed, and integrated into the game on each vehicle. Finally, for the final mix, environmental sounds such as public areas, different road surfaces, or the impact of the weather are added for a more realistic simulation than ever!

The game will be available in Europe starting Thursday, September 2, 2021 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. It will be out in North America and for Nintendo Switch starting Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

Check out the WRC 10 official site to learn more.

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