
Nintendo Direct September 2021 - Trailer Round-Up

Nintendo Direct September 2021 – Trailer Round-Up

In the latest Nintendo Direct video presentation, Nintendo teased a variety of games coming to Switch this year and into 2022, including new entries for the beloved franchises like Bayonetta 3, Splato...

Check Out Bayonetta 3 Gameplay Reveal

Check Out Bayonetta 3 Gameplay Reveal

The wait is over. The witch. Is. BACK! During Nintendo Direct, Bayonetta 3 blessed us with her appearance in a gameplay trailer that gives players a glimpse of what awaits them on Nintendo Switch when...

bayonetta 4k

Bayonetta Is Back In 4K

Sega has just confirmed what we suspected, Bayonetta and Vanquish are both coming back to consoles in 2020 and they will arrive with a stunning 4K upgrade. Due to explode back into our lives on 18 Feb...

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