Bandai Namco announced a partnership with Counterplay Games to add Duelyst to the list of free-to-play games published by Bandai Namco. Starting on July 11, players can dive right into the new Unearth...
Antihero is strategic board game taking place in a gas-lit Victorian world. Players will need to use stealth, cunning and even assassination to create the strongest Thieves' Guild in the city. Recr...
Tim Conkling and Versus Evil showed off the launch trailer for strategic board game Antihero. The game will launch on Steam for PC and Mac on Monday. What is Antihero? Antihero is strategic board game...
Tank Warfare Tunisia 1943 is a tactical combat simulation. During winter of 1943, German Panzer battlegroups launch counteroffensive against Allied forces during the Tunisian Campaign. The game ha...
XCOM 2 launched on February 5, 2016. Now, a bit more than a year from that date, the developers have released a video showing off players’ accomplishments over this period of time. The Resistanc...
Blood Bowl 2 slams American footbal and Warhammer universe together in roughest way possible. Today Cyanide Studios threw two more races into the bloody mess of the game. Welcome the Chaos Dwarves and...